My Story

My name is Tayler Zuffranieri. If you've made it this far, thank you! I wanted to start off by telling you guys about me. I am a mother of three rowdy boys. I grew up on a little farm in Mesa, and I have always lived within sight of the Superstition Mountains. Even though I don't live in a small town, I have seen and met so many people over the course of my life in the East Valley that its hard to go anywhere without recognizing someone. 

As you can imagine, life is always busy and filled with energy in our household, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Being a mom has taught me how to love fiercely and unconditionally. I think watching these little boys grow has really put time into perspective for me. Time is a thief. It stops for no one. There are so many moments I wish I had on camera so I could look back and remember it just as beautifully as it was. There are also so many moments I do have frozen in a photograph and they are invaluable to me. 

Growing up, I enjoyed so many artistic mediums including dancing, drawing, and photography. I never dreamed I could turn my love for art and photography into a job. I learned on FILM. Am I showing my age?? The ability to grab a moment through my lens and keep it forever was an incredible feeling. 

Now I spend my time trying to grab those moments for other people. I want everyone to be able to remember today because its done tomorrow. All we have are our memories and the photos we took.

“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory”