Do you Travel?

I travel around the valley and I can travel to other areas within Arizona for additional travel fees.

How do we get our photos?

I upload your gallery right here to my website as high quality JPEG files. You will be able to view your gallery and download your images from my website.

Whats your turn around time?

My standard turn around at this time is within 7-10 days of shooting your photos. Packages with priority delivery will be bumped to the top of the list for a 3-5 day turnaround.

How do we book you?

Contact me through the contact page, and we can chat about scheduling your session!

Can you help us with planning?

I can! I can assist in finding a location if you are unsure where you'd like to get your photos taken, I can help decide color themes, and I can give you assistance with picking your wardrobe.

What should we wear?

I think most colors are gorgeous for taking great photos. I suggest wearing neutral colors that are the same color tone as your background (ex: warm colors for the desert and cool colors for a industrial area). If you have questions about your wardrobe, I can help guide you based on your desired location.